Research Article | | Peer-Reviewed

Implementation of E-module Text Description with Local Wisdom Content on Differentiation Learning in SMP

Received: 13 June 2024     Accepted: 1 July 2024     Published: 15 July 2024
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This research aims toexplains the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The local wisdom content developed in the descriptive text e-module is in the form of historical buildings, traditional food, art and the work of local people which are characteristic of Cirebon. The problem formulation of this research is how appropriate is the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model. The data sources for this research are questionnaires resulting from the expert team's validation, student response questionnaires, and the results of the implementation of descriptive text e-modules containing local wisdom in differentiated learning in class VII. The results of this research were 95.38% declared very valid and the student scores obtained were in the range of 70 to 100 so that the descriptive text e-module with local wisdom content in differentiated learning in grade VII is suitable for use as an alternative Bahasa Indonesia teaching material at the junior high school level in descriptive text topic.

Published in Education Journal (Volume 13, Issue 4)
DOI 10.11648/
Page(s) 183-190
Creative Commons

This is an Open Access article, distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium or format, provided the original work is properly cited.


Copyright © The Author(s), 2024. Published by Science Publishing Group


E-module Descriptive Text, Local Wisdom, Differentiated Learning

1. Introduction
Teaching materials are teaching materials in the form of visuals and audio visuals which can be applied as an alternative means of communication in learning . Teaching materials must also be able to provide information to students both independently and classically , in the form of printed teaching materials or digital teaching materials , and are expected to increase students' understanding, strengthen creativity, and close to the student's life .
One form of teaching material commonly used is a module. Modules are currently divided into two categories, namely print modules and digital modules. The advantage of digital modules is that they can present interactive learning material . Digital teaching materials make it easier for students to carry out the learning process, both guided learning and independent learning , these teaching materials are known as e-modules.
E-module is a module whose format is changed to an electronic module that can be packaged in digital format, how to access it by using digital technology devices such as computers, laptops and smartphones , the access process can be done anywhere anytime and anywhere without time and space limitations . So it is hoped that it can become an interesting learning tool for students .
Local wisdom is all forms of knowledge, beliefs, understanding or views, as well as customs or ethics that guide human behavior in their lives . This knowledge and practice comes from previous generations and experiences related to the environment and other people of a community in the region . In other words, local wisdom is a way of life for local people in the form of actions to answer various problems related to meeting their needs .
Local wisdom values develop and are passed down from generation to generation, including social values, namely mutual trust, cooperation, belief, religion, responsibility, solidarity, reflection, togetherness, mutual cooperation, work ethic, love of the country, the value of equality, caring, the value of independence, and appreciation of knowledge . We should maintain these values so that they remain and are known by the younger generation, lest local wisdom becomes something that will be lost amidst the times , because local wisdom is also a derivative of culture which then becomes identity and character nation .
From the opinions above, it can be concluded that local wisdom has the following indicators: (1) Has a philosophy, in the form of elements of life's journey, simplicity, art, respect for nature, religion, belief (myth), politeness (ethics), equality, and honesty. (2) It becomes the identity of the local community, because it develops and is passed down from generation to generation, ultimately reflecting the characteristics of the local community. such as art, struggle, tradition, tolerance, works of art, historical architecture, and creativity.
One effort to instill love for local wisdom is to present it in the form of descriptive text. Descriptive text is text that describes an object or thing individually based on its physical characteristics, the explanation must be specific as a characteristic of the existence of the object . Description is also referred to as a description of an object in written form, the reader seems to experience what is being told as seen, heard and felt .
Learning descriptive texts in the independent curriculum is very closely related to the learning strategy promoted by this curriculum, namely differentiated learning. Differentiation is a teaching and learning process in which students study subjects based on their individual abilities, interests and needs so that they do not experience difficulties and failure during the learning process . When teachers respond to learning needs students, meaning teachers differentiate learning by adding, expanding, adjusting time to obtain maximum learning results . The concept of differentiated learning is one answer to how we empower students to explore all the potential they have as part of the nature of the times and nature .
Research on the local wisdom of Cirebon petatah petitih Sunan Gunung Jati conducted , proves that development based on culture and local wisdom "Ingsun Titip Tajug Lan Fakir Miskin" is a big theme in building the identity of the sultanate as a whole and the aim is to restore its image from a historical perspective and future independence of the sultanate. Similar research on Cirebon local wisdom with the results of the influence of socio-ecological changes in Cirebon society , proves that there is a serious threat to the existence of the language in the nebus weteng tradition. This is because some of the elements no longer exist, causing the younger generation not to know the term, so there is a possibility that the term will disappear among Cirebon society. Research on the development of Cirebon tourism and culture carried out , proves that Cirebon City has quite well-preserved historical and cultural heritage. Every year the number of visitors increases, assisted by good management and good nature, local wisdom, customs and culture will increase the tourism potential of Cirebon City. However, there are still weaknesses such as infrastructure, human resources, capital and management of each destination. Therefore, local governments and the community must work together to manage tourist destinations that are not managed optimally.
Research on differentiated learning strategies was conducted , in class VII H students of SMP Negeri 3 Denpasar revealed that using differentiated learning strategies made students more enthusiastic in learning and created a pleasant learning atmosphere because learning fable texts was not monotonous. Conducted research at SDN Larangan 2 Cirebon City with a study of differentiated learning strategies to improve students' literacy and reading comprehension skills. In this research, the results showed that differentiated learning strategies helped improve students' reading skills . Conducted research on differentiated learning in persuasive texts with the results of data processing as well as a discussion about the implementation of differentiated learning in class VIII students at SMP Gajah Mada Medan for the 2021/2022 academic year. It can be concluded that the development of student learning outcomes in writing persuasive texts has an impact. significant impact on students' learning abilities and potential .
This research aims to describe the results of the implementation of descriptive text e-modules with local wisdom content in differentiated learning for class VII junior high school students.
2. Methods
The research method used is the research and development method, The research method used is the ADDIE research and development model. This model is considered more rational and more completeto produceproducts, and test the effectiveness of these products . This development model consists of five stages/development phases, including: (1) Analysis, (2) Design, (3) Development or Production, (4) Implementation or Delivery, and (5) Evaluation.
2.1. Analysis
The first stage begins by analyzing the need for product development in the form of e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content. At this stage, researchers will analyze the results of questionnaires and interviews regarding the need for descriptive text e-modules in schools as research background. Apart from that, researchers also analyzed descriptive text containing local wisdom which will be included in the e-module.
2.2. Design
At this stage the researcher will systematically design the language, content, presentation and adaptation of learning materials to be included in the descriptive text e-module in accordance with the standards used. At this stage the e-module design is then used as the basis for the development process at the next stage.
2.3. Development
This stage contains activities for the realization of the description text e-module product design that was previously created. In the previous stage, a conceptual framework for implementing the new product was prepared. At this stage, the conceptual framework is then realized into a product in the form of a descriptive text e-module containing local wisdom content.
2.4. Implementation
This stage is intended to obtain feedback on the descriptive text e-module product with local wisdom content that is created or developed. Feedback was obtained from student responses through questionnaires distributed by researchers after the learning implementation process took place. Before the e-module implementation process was carried out, the researcher carried out validation first. Validation was carried out by expert lecturers in the field of Bahasa Indonesia education, IT expert lecturers, and Bahasa Indonesia subject teachers.
2.5. Evaluation
The evaluation stage is the stage of assessing and improving the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content that has been prepared. The researchers will use the results as a reference for revision of the e-module until it is declared valid and suitable for use.
The data sources for this research were SMP Negeri 3 Cirebon and SMP Negeri 10 Cirebon involving 60 class VII students as respondents. This research data collection technique includes (1) questionnaire, this technique allows researchers to collect data in the form of numbers or statistics that can be analyzed quantitatively . The questionnaire was used to determine the assessment of expert lecturers and Bahasa Indonesia teachers as expert validators as well as students' responses to the descriptive text e-module created by the researcher. (2) interviews, this technique is used if you want to conduct preliminary research to find out the problems that need to be researched and want to know more in depth with a small number of respondents . Interviews were conducted to find out opinions and reasons for the suitability of descriptive text e-modules containing local wisdom from the perspective of educators as practitioners. and (3) documentation, this technique allows researchers to gain an in-depth understanding of respondents' views, experiences and perceptions . The documentation is in the form of photos of research activities.
Instruments are an inseparable part of research activities, which are needed to support the accuracy of research design. Instruments as measuring research variables play an important role in efforts to obtain accurate and reliable information . The research instrument used in this research was a validation test questionnaire for expert lecturers, IT (Information and Technology) experts, Bahasa Indonesia teachers and students as respondents. The research instruments used can be seen in the following table.
Table 1. Research Instruments.




Validation of e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content for class VII SMP students

1) Bahasa Indonesia and literature expert lecturer

2) IT Expert (Information and Technology)

Teaching material validation questionnaire

3) Bahasa Indonesia Teacher

Validation questionnaire for teaching materials and interview guidelines

4) VII grade junior high school students

Teaching material response questionnaire

3. Discussion
The first stage carried out was to analyze the need for descriptive text teaching materials with local wisdom content. This stage is carried out by asking questions in a questionnaire to teachers as respondents regarding the need for descriptive text teaching materials, and conclusions are obtained as in the following figure.
Figure 1. Graph of needs for teaching materials descriptive text.
In figure 1 above, data is obtained that 77.8% of teachers really need descriptive text teaching materials, and 22.2% of teachers need descriptive text teaching materials. This means that 100% of teachers need descriptive text teaching materials, only the number of those who really need it is 77.8% compared to teachers who only need it at 22.2%.
The author created the e-module description text design stage using the anyflip application. The author uses this application because: (1) the application is easy to access just by using a link, so sharing it with students simply uses a WhatsApp message. (2) the application can be accessed using any type of Android device, so it is easy for students to use. (3) in the process of accessing this application there are almost no advertisements at all, so it does not disturb students in using it. The design of the descriptive text e-module containing Cirebon local wisdom for class VII includes: (1) initial section, (2) content section, and (3) final section. The framework is described in the following table.
Table 2. E-module Framework for Text Description with Cirebon Local Wisdom Content.

Initial Part

Contents Section

Final Part

1) Front page

2) Foreword

3) List of contents

4) List of Pictures

5) Learning outcomes

6) Content instructions

7) Concept Map

1) Part 1 Exploring Arts and Culture (Listening)

2) Part 2 Exploring Works (Reading and viewing)

3) Part 3 Exploring Historical Tourism (Speaking and presenting)

4) Part 4 Culinary Exploration (Writing)

1) Reading journal

2) Reflection

3) Summary

4) Competence test

5) Bibliography

6) Glossary

7) Author Profile

At the development stage (Development) analysis was carried out to explain the results of data acquisition based on the instruments used in data collection. This data was obtained from the validation results of language expert lecturers, IT experts, teachers and students through an instrument in the form of a questionnaire with eligibility criteria as explained in the following table.
Table 3. Validation Criteria and Feasibility Levels of Teaching Materials.


Validation Criteria

Eligibility Level


81.00% - 100.00%

Very viable, or usable without revision


71.00% - 80.00%

Appropriate, or usable but with minor revisions


61.00% - 70.00%

It is quite feasible, or it is recommended not to use it because there is a lot that needs to be revised


51.00% - 60.00%

Not suitable, it is recommended not to use it because there are many things that are not suitable


01.00% - 50.00%

Invalid, or cannot be used

(adapted from Harahap, 2021)
The formula used to determine the validation percentage of e-module description text is as follows:
Validation of teaching materials =TNPTNM100%
TNP = Total Acquisition Value
TNM = Total Maximum Value
Based on the validation results from experts, a summary of the validation results and eligibility criteria is obtained as follows.
Table 4. Recapitulation of Validation Results and Feasibility of Teaching Materials.



Validation Value

Eligibility Criteria


Expert Lecturer 1


Very worthy


Expert Lecturer 2


Very worthy


IT Expert Lecturer


Very worthy


Bahasa Indonesia Teacher


Very worthy



Based on the recapitulation of the four validators, the validation questionnaire results were obtained with the following calculations .
=V-ah + V-it + Vgn.(100)100%
V = Validation (combined)
V-ah = Expert validation (lecturer)
V-it = IT Validation
Vg = Audience validation
n = Number of validators
=EL 1 + EL 2 + IT lecturer + Teacher4 (100)100%
=95 + 92.5 + 95 + 97.5400100%
=380400100%= 95%
EL = Expert Lecturer
IT = Information of Technology
The average result obtained was a combined validation value of 95%. Referring to table 3 regarding validation criteria and the level of feasibility of teaching materials, this value shows that the criteria are very valid with the level of feasibilityvery worthy. This means that the descriptive text e-module for class VII SMP students that has been designed can be used without revision. The following is a display of the front page of the e-module descriptive text containing Cirebon local wisdom for middle school class VII semester 1.
Figure 2. E-module home page.
The next stage is implementation, at this stage the descriptive text e-module with local wisdom content is tested on differentiated learning practices. This implementation was carried out in two schools, namely SMP Negeri 3 Cirebon City and SMP Negeri 10 Cirebon City as data sources, with a total of 60 students as respondents. The implementation begins by grouping students based on their respective learning styles. This grouping is based on the results of non-cognitive diagnostic tests conducted by schools at the beginning of the school year. The results are obtained as in the following table.
Table 5. Noncognitive Diagnostic Test Results.


Learning Style





15 students




20 students




25 students



60 students


In table 5 above, of the 60 students who were respondents, the details of the non-cognitive diagnostic test results were obtained as follows: 15 students had a visual learning style, 20 students had an auditory learning style, and 25 students had a kinesthetic learning style. More details are depicted in the following graph.
Figure 3. Noncognitive Diagnostic Test Results.
Figure 4. Results of E-module Implementation: Text Description with Local Wisdom Content.
Based on the data from the non-cognitive diagnostic test results, differentiated learning practices were carried out in the classroom using descriptive text e-modules with local wisdom content, and the learning results were obtained as in the following table.
Table 6. Results of E-module Implementation Text Description with Local Wisdom Content.


Number of Students (People)






















In table 6 above, of the 60 students who were respondents, details of the results of the implementation of the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content are as follows: 5 students got a score of 100 (8.33%), 15 students got a score of 90 (25%), 30 students got a score of 80 (50%), and 10 students got a score of 70 (16.67%). More details are depicted in the following graph.
4. Conclusion
Based on the results of data analysis and discussion above, it can be concluded that (1) The expert validation results obtained a score of 95%. If you refer to table 3 above regarding validation criteria and the level of feasibility of teaching materials, then this value shows that the criteria are very valid with a level of feasibility. very worthy. This means that the descriptive text e-module for class VII SMP students that has been designed can be used without revision. (2) The results of the response questionnaire for class VII students obtained an average score of 95.38%. This value shows that the descriptive text e-module with local wisdom content received a good response from students. (3) The results of the implementation of the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content carried out on 60 students as respondents obtained the results of 5 students (8.33%) getting the highest score of 100,15 students (25%) got a score of 90, 30 students (50%) got a score of 80, and 10 students (16.67%) got the lowest score of 70. If it is based on the criteria for completing the learning objectives (Kriteria Ketuntasan Tujuan Pembelajaran) for the Bahasa Indonesia subject which is determined in both schools, it was 70, so the learning was considered successful because the lowest score was the same as the specified of criteria for completing the learning objectives (Kriteria Ketuntasan Tujuan Pembelajaran). Thus, it can be concluded that the descriptive text e-module for class VII SMP students meets the very valid criteria in terms of expert and practitioner assessment, and is worthy of being recommended as an alternative teaching material for learning Indonesian in class VII SMP in descriptive text material.

Petatah Petitih

Advice (Term in Cirebon Language)

Ingsun Titip Tajug Lan Fakir Miskin

I Entrusted the Mosque and the Poor (Sunan Gunung Jati Advice)


Sekolah Menengah Pertama (Junior High School)

Author Contributions
Mulyoto Sadili: Conceptualization, Data curation, Formal Analysis, Funding acquisition, Investigation, Methodology, Project administration, Resources, Writing – original draft, Writing – review & editing
Abdul Rozak: Conceptualization, Supervision, Validation
Jaja Wilsa: Conceptualization, Supervision, Validation
Conflicts of Interest
The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
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  • APA Style

    Sadili, M., Rozak, A., Wilsa, J. (2024). Implementation of E-module Text Description with Local Wisdom Content on Differentiation Learning in SMP. Education Journal, 13(4), 183-190.

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    ACS Style

    Sadili, M.; Rozak, A.; Wilsa, J. Implementation of E-module Text Description with Local Wisdom Content on Differentiation Learning in SMP. Educ. J. 2024, 13(4), 183-190. doi: 10.11648/

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    AMA Style

    Sadili M, Rozak A, Wilsa J. Implementation of E-module Text Description with Local Wisdom Content on Differentiation Learning in SMP. Educ J. 2024;13(4):183-190. doi: 10.11648/

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      abstract = {This research aims toexplains the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The local wisdom content developed in the descriptive text e-module is in the form of historical buildings, traditional food, art and the work of local people which are characteristic of Cirebon. The problem formulation of this research is how appropriate is the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model. The data sources for this research are questionnaires resulting from the expert team's validation, student response questionnaires, and the results of the implementation of descriptive text e-modules containing local wisdom in differentiated learning in class VII. The results of this research were 95.38% declared very valid and the student scores obtained were in the range of 70 to 100 so that the descriptive text e-module with local wisdom content in differentiated learning in grade VII is suitable for use as an alternative Bahasa Indonesia teaching material at the junior high school level in descriptive text topic.
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    AU  - Jaja Wilsa
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    AB  - This research aims toexplains the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The local wisdom content developed in the descriptive text e-module is in the form of historical buildings, traditional food, art and the work of local people which are characteristic of Cirebon. The problem formulation of this research is how appropriate is the e-module descriptive text with local wisdom content and the results of its implementation in differentiated learning in class VII. The method used is the research and development (R&D) method with the ADDIE development model. The data sources for this research are questionnaires resulting from the expert team's validation, student response questionnaires, and the results of the implementation of descriptive text e-modules containing local wisdom in differentiated learning in class VII. The results of this research were 95.38% declared very valid and the student scores obtained were in the range of 70 to 100 so that the descriptive text e-module with local wisdom content in differentiated learning in grade VII is suitable for use as an alternative Bahasa Indonesia teaching material at the junior high school level in descriptive text topic.
    VL  - 13
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